Hi, yes the nosebleed is always on the same side ( left nostril). I haven't been to an ENT specialist yet but mentioned it to my gynecologist last summer and PCP earlier this year. The reason I mentioned it to my gynecologist is because I'm in my mid 40s and I read that hormonal fluctuations can cause this too... both docs weren't concerned since the bleeding stopped rather quickly and I live in the place that has dry winters. Thanks for the tip.. I'll get the saline spray.
beave said...
Is the nosebleed always the same side? Have you had it (inside your nose) looked at by an ear/nose/throat specialist?
Usually nosebleeds come from the septum - the cartilage wall that divides the two sides of the nasal passages. There are lots of small blood vessels there, kind of like one's lips. If the septum gets dry, it can form little cracks that bleed, like chapped lips. Keep the nasal passages moist with saline spray if you live in a dry climate. Also don't blow your nose too hard/aggressively, as the pressure can cause small blood vessels to rupture. If it's a big problem, have an ENT doc take a look inside with a small scope to assess.