Posted 6/29/2023 6:44 PM (GMT 0)
Hi all,
It's been awhile. All's fine with UC but this spring I had a blood test with slightly low platelets (I think the # was 125 and it's supposed to be 150). Repeated it to be sure and got same result.
Dr. is not concerned yet because I guess this is not very low. (She would just have me repeat it in 6 months.) What is quite low is my vitamin D, at 21. This has happened before and I got it to go back up by taking 4000 IUs a day. I am back to doing that again now.
It's hard for me not to wonder about the platelet thing because it has never happened before. I read online that low vitamin D can sometimes lead to low platelets if you have an autoimmune condition that can be related to UC called ITP. I'm curious if anyone has ever had this?
Otherwise, the only significant change in this period of time is probably that I have started drinking a matcha oat latte (homemade, no sugar) at home every day. I also eat a 1 c. blueberries a day and take 1 fish oil and 1 curcumin capsule. These are all good anti-inflammatory things, but as such they are also blood thinners and I wonder if the matcha somehow pushed it over the top? There is at least one case online of a woman who was taking green tea capsules that caused a low platelet count.
Anyway, curious if anyone has any insights or experience about any of this. Sad to give up matchas which I love, but I might if the vitamin D boosting doesn't help...