birdiem, I am the mother of
bratcat who has UC. PLEASE DON'T FEEL GUILTY. I know my husband and I would do anything to "make it all better" for bratcat (and her siblings) anytime they are hurting. The pain you see from your parents is seeing their own child hurting. It's wonderful that they are there for you. Let them be there. You are not a burden to them. You are their child and they will always want to protect you (no matter how old you are). There is also an underlying sense of guilt that parents have when things go wrong for their children. Be it UC, needing glasses, learning disabilities, not being good in get the picture. We know it is usually a stupid guilt to have but it is there nonetheless. You're only 22. I know you are becoming an independent adult but give yourself some more time. Even if it is a financial or emotional "burden" on your parents (which I doubt they see it that way), I am sure they wouldn't have it any other way.