I have just spent a few hours reading through these postings. Very helpful. Thanks to all who have been so open and honest about the struggles of UC. I was officially diagnosed with UC 2 1/2 years ago and have tried all kinds of conventional and alternative treatments as well as special diets, VSL, probiotics, fish oil etc. etc. etc.
I finally decided to go on imuran which I started 12 weeks ago. It seems like it is just kicking in however I have developed mouth sores and an inflammed tongue. I am on a high dose of 200 mg which seems like alot to me as I am not a large person. I am also on 10 mg of pred. and hopefully will be able to get off of it premanently.
Has anyone ever had mouth sores etc. from the imuran and also how do you understand the dosing to be determined?
Also for those whose UC is in remission, do you still suffer from fatigue? I have read that even when the UC is in remission, most with UC still feel fatigued. I have always had so much energy and it is so diffcult to accept my lack of energy.