I have a high-stress job and work a lot of hours. I'm a lawyer. I wasn't diagnosed with UC until my first year of practice, and after reading all sorts of stories about
people who had to quit work, etc., I was scared to death. I was convinced my life was over.
After several years, though, I can honestly say that it hasn't been that bad. Sure, I'm tired and cranky when I flare, and I'm picky about what I eat, (oh yeah and I sweat like crazy when I am taking prednisone!), but I deal with it. It's nothing unbearable... and I constantly remind myself of others with much more terrible diseases... and I am thankful that I am still up walking around every day. I've told my manager I have UC, but no one else knows, and I have never seen the need to tell them. The only thing I haven't quite gotten over yet is having BMs in the work restroom. I always try to wait it out until there is no one in there. It's still embarassing for me.
I refuse to let this disease get the best of me. Period. I've traveled to Greece and Italy with it, I work every day with it, and now I am pregnant with it. I'm winning... UC is not.
Hang in there with your work situation. If you can do one day from home, that will probably help your fatigue. I will sometimes do a day or two from home when I am flaring, and it is helpful to stay in your pajamas and work from the couch all day!