As previously stated, growth of colon cancer is very slow from the first sign of a polyp. There is probably not much to worry about
given your last scope was within five years. However, UCers are at a higher risk than the normal population so some docs like to do the scope more frequently than if there was no UC. Also, it is not a bad idea to just get a look at the whole colon occassionaly. The doc can see if anything is brewing before you are even aware, and also the occasional biopsy does not hurt. In February of 07 I was flaring, but did not feel terrible, and it turned out my whole colon was inflammed. I would not have known without my colonoscopy. I have had 5 of them in the past 6 years, and I have to say that I would never do one without sedation. I think it would be a lot more than just slightly uncomfortable. It is your call, but you would not get me near a full colon scope without the sedation. Good Luck, and I hope you continue feeling good.