So, Ive been reading a lot of peoples posts about
all the different supplements that they take and how different things help for different problems. (ie. flax oil, fish oil, coconut oil, olive oil, probiots, digestive enzyms, fiber supplements, multi-vitamins, aloe juices, etc, etc, etc)
What I would like to know is...
# 1. "Is there a post buried on this site that tells you a guide-line on the different supplements you should be taking that helps with UC?"
# 2. "Is there anywere to find out if, when mixing all these different supplements, can they end up cancelling each other out or having any adverse affects?
# 3. "What you should and should not mix together?"
# 4. "Can you over-dose on taking too many different kinds of supplements?"
If there is a post or link that would answer these questions, I would be greatful to know, and would also like to suggest that, if possible, an admin make a sticky thread of the answers for us newly diagnosed that are looking for answers on this very wide ranged, confusing topic.
Thanks again for everyones input. This is an incredible site.