Yep, so I have a blood clot in my right leg. I am now having to go to the doctor daily to get a shot in my stomach, get blood drawn and take blood thinners as well for atleast 3 months. Can it get any worse? Really, I don't want the answer to that last question. I am finally on 12 1/2mg of Prednisone instead of 40mg. I am cutting 2 1/2mg each week now. I cutting it no matter what, I am tired of being on it. My joints and muscles ache! Bleeding is at a minimal, I think maybe from a hemmi letting it be known that it is around, I don't know though. I asked my PCP about
taking blood thinners while still flaring. Response was, yep, it could change the bleeding some. What is that supposed to mean? I don't even know if you would call what I am having, "flaring," I just know that I still go to the bathroom a lot in the morning, atleast 2 times during the day and then a handful of times at night, and the urgency is crazy.
Just needed to vent!!!