pb4 said...
OMG Q!!!! You love winter??? I guess you'd have to living in Manitoba (they don't call it Winterpig for nothin' (aka; Winnipeg)...mind you I'm in AB and it can get pretty cold, not as constant as it does in Manitoba and Sask, but I absolutely HATE winter...besides I've decided cold weather is aging me LOL!
LOL...I agree that we feel older than our age with the cold weather. The indoor heat can suck out all our body moisture, that's for sure.
I guess it's because I grew up here and have functioned in it. I don't do outdoor sports or spend lots of time in it (but when I was younger I did and also rode my horses all year round)..don't like having storms (which we've been in for the past few days)...but it's "WHITE and bright" and I think that's what helps. If I were to be isolated..now, that might change things a bit, but I'm not.
I'd NEVER be able to survive in BC....and the west coast rain/wet snow/gloomy days would have me on a much higher antidepressant...lol!
I hear Calgarians say "wait 5 minutes and the weather will change"...the extreme variables are difficult I would think?