hi, just read ur post about
your son and thought that i would write some of my experiences down, i am due too see a cardiologist nxy week (first appointment) to duscuss a possible cardiac cause for my illness.
in september 2006 i began to have seizures i was 19 years old at the time, i was very fit and healthy and an active typical teenager, i do not smoke or take drugs and i drink occassionally. I was with my friend in a shopping center when i collapsed and had what she described as a grand mal seizure (although i didnt no what it was at the time) i lost contiousness and couldnt rememeber any events sourrounding the seizure. I was taken to hospital by ambulance and while in the ambulance i was put onto an ecg/ekg monitor (i think that my heart tracing may have been abnormal but not too sure) i was then taken into the emergency department and had blood testa a 12 lead ecg/ekg done and it was decided that i was to be admitted for observation. at about 2am a doctor came too examine me and then i was sent for a chest xray (which i found strange surely seizures are neurological or so i thought ha) the next morning when the doctor came to see me he said that he wanted me to stay in for another day and that he will bring me back for an eeg test and an echocardiogram. oh also had a ct scan while in hosp aswell. so went home and came bk for my tests i think my echo was ok and my eeg showed some abnormalities, i continued to have seizures while waiting for these tests. on one occassion actually fell down all the stairs.
had a seizure while at uni and was brought back to hosp where they told me my eeg showed some abnormalities and they diagnosed me wiv epilepsy? i was started on lamotragine on an increasing dose and also on clobazam, but still continues to have seizures.
one night i had two seizures one after the other without fully regaining contiousness so again i was taken back too accident and emergency and admitted, to a ward. where i stayed for 2 weeks (sooo boring) during these two weeks i continued to have seizures and my medication was increased, on one of the days i was really poorly and had about 17 seizures, i was given lorazepam too stop them. i had an eeg while there and it was normal, doctors decided that i no longer had epilepsy, but when speaking to me and my parents they still didnt seem too sure.
after being discharged home i should of recieved a follow up appontment but never did, but after about another three months i was seizure free, not sure why they stopped but they did for a full 8 months then one night when i was out for my friends birthday, i fell uncontious and had another seizure, i was taken by ambulance to a local hospital and i still hadnt regained contiousness, the doctors decided that i was so uncontious that i needed life support so i was placed on a ventilator and taken up to the intensive care unit. where i remained for two day, luckily i made a good recovery though. then two weeks later i had another seizure while out driving my car, and again woke up in an ambulance (nightmare!!) was taken to hospital and kept in for another week, doctors began to ? epilepsy again for cause of seizures. a doctor came to see me while in hosp and examined me after he did my neuro exam he listened to my heart pulled a strange face and then felt my pulse. but never said anything too me and went away about 10 mins later too nurses arrived to do an ecg/ekg tracing i aked them why and they said the dr asked them to do it. never got any results orr found out why that was done.
its soo annoyiong not to no what is going on, im not allowed in work, i have had my driving license taken off me, i cant go out alone for fear of ending up back in hospital.
they are now exploring a possible cardiac cause for seizures but im not sure what too think anymore
during seizures i
loose contiousness
fall to floor if stood up
shake violently
bite my tongue
sometimes i am incontinent
oh and the paramedics said mt skin is mottled 2?? dont no what that is though really
i have psoriasis
i have had v meningitus in the past
oh and sufer with migranes but other than that im very healthy
i also tend to have low blood pressure usually around 100/60 but does drop too 90/60
my hands and feet are cold alt of the time and i also get numbness in some of my fingers sometimes too dont no if this info is any help but anyone have any ideas what this maybe sorri its soo long but i am desperate and any helpful suggestions will be appreciated thanks x