Hello. Im getting a bit confused and fusterated with a problem Iv been having for the last few years. It started off wit getting heart palpitations (excuse the spelling). On occasion, to the point of getting dizzy and almst blacking out. I had seen my familly doctor about
it, and he told me to lay off te coffee and showed me an exercise to reduce my heart rate. I was then set up on a portable heart monitor for 2 days (of course I didnt have any during that time). So I guess I kind of expected tat no news was good news. Then the last 6 months I have been experiencing short acute chest pains, slightly on my left side that generally accompanied a small cramping feeling iether in my arm, neck or shoulder. Tey last about
10 - 15 seconds. Tonight while i was experiencing one, I counted my heart rate at 84 (lying in bed trying to sleep.) Last week I had gone to see a doctor about
a dizzyness ive been having and was told it was an inner ear infection (though they did no tests and couldnt see it).
Mabey (hopefully) I am just worrying about nothing, but at 27 married with 3 young kids, I would be lying if I didnt say Im a bit worried. When I went in about the dizzyness, they hooked me up to a heart monitor (legs, arms chest ect,) for about 15 seconds and said there is nothing wrong with my heart. Yet somehow with all the sypmtoms Ive been having I just cant seem to beleive that there is nothing going on.
Should I be forcing the issue? Get another opinion? or just trust the doctors I have seen and assume its nothing?
Thank you for your time and This is a great web site with a great wealth of information thank you.