Hi, I had my PFO/ASD 25mm closure on Oct 6,2008 and for the first two days I felt good, but after that I started to experience chest pressure again and strong heart beats 103..is that normal?
MiMiFlo said...
Katie G.,
GreenHope gave you some very detailed information which certainly demonstrates her ability and wisdom to educate herself and also that she NOW has a physician that talks to her, but most important listens to her.
Please read my 10/10 post (from MiMIFlo). In regards to recovery time, everyone is different and physicians often have different post procedure instructions. But, I can tell you the following:
I was 57 years old when I had my procedure and not in good health. My energy level and stamina were much like GreenHope described herself. I'd gone from someone who'd been known as the one who was still going when everyone else had fallen by the wayside to having very little energy and stamina to even do the activities of daily living. My physician's limitations were not to lift anything heavier than 10 lbs for about a week after my PFO closure. However, I had decided that I was going to give myself longer and stricter limitations than my physician did simply because these procedures don't have any long term statistics and I figured better to be safe than sorry.
But, the procedure itself really was a fairly simple procedure and the physician had no problem inserting the device. The ONLY problem I had was that I continued to bleed from the femoral vein (which is where the catheters are inserted) after the procedure, requiring me to lie flat for an extended period of time. That wasn't much fun. And I did actually end up with a blood clot at the femoral vein insertion site, but that was because when I was continuing to ooze several hours after the procedure, the resident held too much pressure for too long. Therefore, I had restrictions related to the bleeding into the tissue around my insertion site and the blood clot, but that is highly unusual and I've not heard of anyone else who had that problem. We have a family trait of bruising very easily and I bled excessively after childbirth, etc. So, my problem was more specific to me and a resident who was still a bit green behind the ears. However, the clot has resolved without problems and I was Christmas shopping within a week of my procedure (granted it was before we realized I had a blood clot). But, the point is from the PFO closure, I felt MUCH, MUCH better after the procedure than before the procedure.
Please, also note that my 31 year old daughter just had an Atrial Septal Defect closed this past Monday (Oct 6th). Atrial Septal Defect, referred to as ASD, is closed essentially the same way a PFO is closed. Her ASD was quite large but her procedure went great. She felt great. She has an 18 month old very active baby. I stayed with her during the day last week to help with the baby. For a couple of days she was a bit more tired and she felt lightheaded when she stood up. However, no other issues. Her discharge instructions were that she could lift her 26 lb baby after 3 days and she could go back to work after 4 or 5 days. She is a retail pharmacist and she worked 12 hrs today as her first day back. She said she felt great--no problems at all. She also started lifting the baby again on Saturday and reports not having a problem with that at all. I personally wanted her to wait a little longer but her physician said her restrictions for lifting were only 3 days because she could not dislodge the device.
Since massage therapist will require some physical exertion, you may need a little more time off, but that is something you should ask your physician. Typically, they tell you to return to normal activities within 3 or 4 days.
Can you get your procedure scheduled any sooner? I'd get it done ASAP so you'd have a longer time in case you need it.
But you are young and I was 57 and "worn out" from raising 3 daughters and working as a nurse for 30 years--plus I have several other chronic conditions, not to mention the PFO that had been causing problems all my life, and I felt like a new person and had a very short recovery time.
Everyone is different, but I hope this helps. I'll be glad to answer any other specific questions you have as best that I can within my experience with this problem.
Good Luck.