I just need to vent or for someone to listen to me because no one will right now. Everyone thinks I am crazy. So basically in a nut shell I have been pretty sick off and on since my early teenage years. I am now 28 years old.
Symptoms are: Dizzy spells, Larthargy and fatigue, confusion, racing heart, heart beating through my back and worse when I lay flat or pretty much all the time I can feel my heart beat into my back and whole body even now I can see my chest beating with the physical eye, Poor circulation, Nausea, bloating, Constipation, weakness, shortness of breath,flushing of the face and ears, Heartburn, a fullness fealing in my throat and chest like my food is just too much and filling up my throat.. if that makes sense, hypoglycemia and .. well I think thats about it for that. I inoticed my dizzy spells and weakness get worse when physically active..
As far as doctors: I have seen a few Neurologists,Allergists,Gastros specialists, psychiatrists, psychologists, ENT specailists, counselors, and an array of primary care providers.
I have had a million trillion blood tests, CT scans of the abdomen, MRI of brain and neck, two upper endoscopies, a gastro emptying scan, allergy testing, EEGs and I think thats it but I don't remember.
All these tests show normal functions. I have tried over and over again to explain to my primary docs and gastros about the fullness feeling in my throat. However they said nothing was wrong and there is no motility problem!!!! During all these problems my diagnosis from doctors is anxiety with IBS. However I don't really feel anxious nor do I feel depressed. But for years went through lots of counseling and psychiatrists, Took many many different kinds of anxiety pills and antidepressants. Still didnt help me. Made things worse in many cases. Seriously now.. my doctors think I am a hypochondriac. On paper I should be the vision of PERFECT health.. but why do I FEEL like this? why do I not feel healthy like I should??
So basically I found out this week that my mother has heart disease and has since she was in her twenties. We have pretty much similiar symptoms. So I call my doctor about it and make and appt. Then I went ahead to schedule with a cardio specialist for after my appt with my doctor. THE nurse was sooo rude!! She asked me a few questions like why I wanted to be seen. I only got to the pounding in the chest and dizzyness.. I had a ton more to share but then she interrupted me and told me to see my primary care physician first since it sounded like ... ANXIETY!! and that I am just anxious because I found out my mom has heart disease. ***.. I just found out a few days ago about my mom.. but previously I didnt know and I have had these symptoms for YEARS.
I am so discouraged.. so so so. discouraged. No one will believe me because of my age... people and doctors keep saying I am too young for heart disease!!