Hi Robert,
I am a 32 yr old female also recently diagnosed with PFO & ASA conditions
with right to left shunting. I don't smoke, drink,no caffiene,etc. I totally understand how you feel, there is so much inforomation on them SEPERATELY but not together. Especially cases where they found them before the person has had a stroke. My doctor stated it is extremely rare and there is no research on patients with these conditions who have not had a stroke nor treatments. I am taking baby aspirin and plavix as a preventative measure.
If it were just one of the conditions alone it would be easier to treat, but since it is both the doctors don't know if it would be more risky to try to deal with both unless a stroke occurs and it is necessary.
I have found articles relating to both but none on pre-stroke cases. I have read in some articles that depending on the symptoms other medicines to control systemic pressure as well as diureticts. Here are some websites I found to get a little more information:
You may also want to use different search engines. That's how I am finding various articles.
Some of the links also list Dr.s who specialize in treating these conditions, you may want to contact specialists to see what research, treatments and options there are BEFORE there is a possible stroke.
I hate the thought of having to wait for something to happen before things can be repaired.
I'd be more than happy to chat with you on this. I'm feeling rather lost and frustrated. My email is [email protected] for you or anyone else who wants to chat/discuss this.
Like your Dr. said these can be benign and asymptomatic until we get older. Some articles state that by our 60's things will no longer be asymptomatic...go figure...
I know that know i'm doing my best to limit stress, no stimulants ( boy i'm missing the chocolate) and looking at what I need to do to better my quality of life.
hope this helps and glad I could vent.