Hello and welcome to HealingWell. I am sorry, I did reply to your post but for some reason it is missing. I had even done some research for you. I will give it another go.
I ran a check on ideal weight for a male your height and came up with approximately 202 lbs. I calculated your BMI as 36.5. Obesity is measured by body mass index (BMI), which is determined by weight and height. BMI is highly correlated with direct measures of body fat in most populations. Normal BMI is 20-25, overweight is 25-29.9 and obese is greater than 30. Not only is BMI important for determining hypertension risk, but fat distribution is as well. Obesity and hypertension (high blood pressure) is intimately connected. As your Dr. knows you and your physical physique his comment may be correct re your weight. However as you are on a strict diet that makes me feel that your weight may be a cause in your hpertension issue.
I am very glad to read that you are seeking out the opinion of a second cardiologist and I feel you are truly advocating for yourself. Your concern is very legitmate.
I know this can cause a lot of anxiety for you so please try to stay in the moment and take it one day at a time. There are many threads here in the forum re PFO repairs and I am sure you have read them.
I have read many good things about Shands so I will be very interested to hear what the second Cardiologist has to say. Remember this is your life and disorder and to keep on taking care of you.
As a wife I understand how your wife is feeling. Give her my best and stick with us. I was hoping another member would be along to post so hang on and know we are here to support you. We care !