Good morning good evening where you may be,
I had SVT but had an ablation and it was a success but a few months before I was diagnosed and even now I get can see the artery pulsating
on my throat and on my chest above my left breast like where the clavicle is.
Weird thing, I can feel it like a strange feeling near the sternum too.
It doesn't hurt, I can still do my exercise, gymnastics, lift weights, run. It just bugs me. Somehow I'm thinking it is no prob and maybe I'm overly aware? Sometimes I even get this weird feeling where you can feel yourself move with the heart rhythm.
My cardio didn't really say much about it. The electrophysiologist says I'm a-ok. My general doc didn't comment much.
So you guys get an idea of where that chest deal is....
I attached a photo for y'all to see.
oh yah and
I don't have thyroid probs, stress echo = good, ekgs= good, bp = good, resting heart rate = good.
I'm a young guy, athlete and active. I eat a really clean diet with no stimulants or caffeine or nothin.
So....what do you guys think? I'm going to revist with my dr in 2 weeks if it keeps buggin me.
thanks guys hope to hear something
to see the pic,
The sensation under the clavicle, red dot.