Hello Everyone! Just had a few questions I thought you would be able to help me with. On Monday my mom was hospitalized from severe chest pains, pains shooting up her back to her neck and some other issues. They said she was sitting on a massive heart attack and did a heart cath, found two complelty blocked arteries and put 2 stents in those. They also said her heart is full of cholesteral! While they were putting the 2 stents in she suffered a heart attack. Last night she was moved from ICU to PCU and will be here for a few days. She is in her 70's other than that, is pretty healthy. (she did have a kidney removed about
50 years ago)
So how long do stents stay good for? Will it cause her to have chest pains? Is it a permanent thing? Is there anythign you guys can recommend to help get her heart back on track? I know she has been put on 4 different BP meds and on a heart relaxer along with cholesteral meds!! Other than that, I can't remember what meds she is on! Just looking for advice or your story on how your stent has helped you!!
Thank you so much :)