Since June 15, when first diagnosed with A-Fib and put on Coumadin, my husband has had pericarditis, pericarditis tamponade (life-threatening resolved with peracentesis), and now constrictive pericarditis. He's on colchicine and high doses of ibupropine. His cardiologist wants to give the medicine a chance to work, another 8-12 weeks while monitoring his symptoms of edema, SOB (shortness of breath), and fatigue. He wants to avoid surgery if at all possible as he is 68. Does this seem like a reasonable approach? I would love to hear from anyone whose medicine regimen "broke up" the hard materials now surrounding his heart. Also, we are located near a reputable teaching hospital but only one surgeon has ever done pericardectomy. I'm concerned about
his traveling to the Cleveland Clinic although I also want him to have the best possible surgeon. I welcome any comments. Thank you.