I looked through some of the threads already but wanted to post my own. I am a 32 year old woman and I serve in the Army. In 2003 in Iraq I sustained a traumatic brain injury. 6 months after that I started having migraines and dizziness. The neurologist said the migraines are from the injury but the dizziness is not. The dizziness would come and go every few days.
Flash forward to about 2 years ago, the dizziness has been daily and steadily getting more frequent. I cannot bend over or I almost pass out. Standing and walking I get severe dizziness. In May of this year, I was finally given an EKG after repeated requests. It said I had a right bundle branch block so I was sent to cardiology for an echo. The echo showed a PFO vs ASD with a positive bubble study both at rest and during vaso-vagal. The cardiologist recommended a TEE, which I had 1 1/2 weeks ago.
The TEE showed that I have an atrial septal aneurysm (the doc said it's very floppy), large PFO, and possibly several small fenestrations of the posterior fossa ovalis. I also have a right to left shunt. My brain MRI was done Friday to see if I have had any strokes which came back as negative, which is awesome. The main issue I have is constant dizziness. It gets so bad I can't even walk around my block and have many issues keeping up with my kids.
My doctor ordered a stress test to check my oxygenation when I move to see how much it drops when I exercise. He is hesitant to patch it because he cannot guarantee that it will get rid of the dizziness. I honestly do not know what to do. I truly believe my dizziness is coming from the PFO, but what if I push to close it and things don't get better?
I am just looking for opinions to help give me a better idea on the positives and negatives, and if anyone else has the same or similar issues.