Hi there...just want to say that you certainly aren't alone in dealing with your PVC's and I know first hand how scary they can be. I just actually posted a response in the "PVC's are ruining my life" thread if you want to take a look at it, but I'm willing to bet that for you, me and most other PVC suffers, our anxiety is to blame.
You're fine and you're going to be fine. I just started CBT therapy for my anxiety and really love it so far and I'm about
two months into it almost at this point. Going to a therapist is nothing to scoff at or be ashamed of. If it helps you then that's all that matters.
I was once told that benign PVC's are no more capable of transforming into something dangerous than a giraffe is capable of turning into a lion. We need to be at peace with ourselves...relax...take time to enjoy life and be in the moment and trust our Dr's. They know what they're talking about
and a dangerous heart problem can't hide from them. I used to always say that they weren't catching my crazy heart rhythm when I'd have skips, flutters, slow pulse, fast pulse, feel faint and weird all coming consecutively, but my cardiologist and nurses at the office all said that an abnormality doesn't have to be caught on a recording to be deemed dangerous. If it's there it's there and it can't hide just because it didn't happen when they were looking. Try to take comfort knowing that.
I feel for you, I really do and the best thing we can do is face our fears no matter how many times we have to until we realize there is nothing to be afraid of. Hugs to you