Hello Everyone
I dont know how this works if I should keep adding to my original post but I am currently in a panic...
I had my cardiologist appt this coming sat to find out what the ultrasound of my heart results were at 1;30 and now they called me and moved it up to 10:30 I am somewhat in a panic because it sounded fishy she said oh someone cancelled and she though I would like to come in ...nah doesnt sound right and then she said I would have to do another ECG when I got there ...wow ...I am scared and with my fear and anxiety and having to climb the stairs to the office I am sure my ECG is going to be way off ...
I know I cannot change the outcome of the test I wish I could but the fear is eating at me ...
I dread the news and am very very afraid ....
I didnt think my ecg results were that bad otherwise the ER dr would have suggested I stay for observation....I would think ....