Mrsbrassfield: I'm new to this site, but not new to heart problems. I'm 52, 127 lbs,5'4". An ablation can rid someone of heart arrythmias, but unless this is a SERIOUS problem to you, I would think twice about
it. I've had 2 cardiac caths (clear coronary, just small arteries spasm) and one attempted ablation. The ablation was the hardest thing I ever had to go through. It's just like a cath, but they erradicate the arrythmias with electrical current. My major one is in the Bundle of hiss and they almost knocked out both my SA and AV nodes trying to get it. It felt as if I was sticking my finger in a light socket each time they attempted it. You are awake through this and when the cardioelectrophysicist started yelling "Back off, back off!" I became excited and chimmed in "hey, back off, hurry!" ... I bet they never had a pt to do back seat driving!
He told me that he was the doctor and my job was to lie on the table and be silent. One thing about
the ablation though, when they hit the electrical current, that's when they discovered the spasms of the small arteries and PSVTs. Sure surprised them because they had only read about
someone having Cardiac Syndrome X (not metabolic). It took me a long time to get used to my PVCs, but I was put on Betapace for my other arrythmias and this in turn seemed to also control the PVCs. I was also told they are not dangerous, just a nuciance (like hiccups). Regular cardiac workout also seemed to help decrease them. Good luck.