Thanks for your reply Kitt. I am aware of all the cautionary tales about
abruptly stopping a Beta Blocker. But there are a number of assumptions you make that are not really applicable to my situation. The dosage I had been taking before I got hooked was in the range of 5-8mg, what my doctors called "homeopathic." They couldn't believe that such a low dose would have any effect at all. Well, it turns out that they were wrong.
I was not on a Beta Blocker for heart problems. My blood pressure and heart rate are fine. If anything the Beta Blocker is bringing them down too low. I had been taking them for off-label use to help with occasional anxiety. Beta Blockers can be recommended by doctors for that purpose.
I am extremely sensitive to meds. Doctors don't believe me when I tell them of the times I over-reacted to prescription meds. Now over time I had upped my dose to around 12-15mg. A couple of times to even 20-30mg. And I was taking it daily rather than from time to time. Most patients on Metoprololtake 100 to 150mg. Those are the folks who mustn't stop cold turkey and need to taper. My cardiologist suggested taking half the 25mg pill for several days and then quitting. Which is sort of what I am doing. Except that I am going from 12.5mg to what I estimate to be about 10mg, then to around 7mg, 5mg and then stopping. I wouldn't be surprised if there are still some rebounds once I have stopped but it does seem to be the only way out for me. But I do appreciate your concern.