Hi and Welcome to HealingWell, Stormie!!
I, too had a triple bypass last Aug. 24th, 2004! You are still in the healing phase so don't be overly concerned about incision pain unless, of course, it's reddened more than usual, swelling, oozing, or you are running a fever. It does take a while and everyone heals at their own speed!
Re the crying everyday...I think you are right - it is a shock to your system. The surgery itself is like a friend told me once, that it is like being raped, or violated. You will find funny little heart twinges, or pains you never noticed before, (your nerves are healing) but little by little you will see that you are feeling stronger and more yourself. Your periods of crying may be a bit of depression and if it doesn't get better, than check that out with your Dr. That can be quite common after a major surgery like this!
Don't push your healing time, unless it is just not possible - try through your job to do things that won't put you or your body under too much stress right away. I'm glad you found us here and please, hang out with us and let us know how you're doing!!
Hugs, Teri