styling,Hello and welcome to HealingWell. From the information you have posted here you appear to have had an inferior myocardial infarction which is a heart attack on the bottom of the heart. Please remember I am not a physician.
However, it is what your Dr. has told you that is most important. Myocardial infarction (MI or heart attack) is suspected by symptoms usually including chest pain. The conclusive diagnosis is established based on a combination of specific abnormalities of the electrocardiogram (EKG) and presence of certain heart enzymes that leak into the blood during a heart attack. The most common enzymes are called CK-MB and Troponin.
It is important that you talk with your Dr. to receive a dx. as the abnormal EKGS can be indicative of any old heart attack or some other heart problems.
I will be thinking of you and please do let us know, if you wouldn't mind, what conclusion your cardiologist comes to after viewing your stress test?
It does bother me that you continue to have chest pain and SBE. What did your Dr. advise you to do for symptoms.
Hope to talk with you soon.