Hi Sarah!
You know the old saying, "there's never a silly/stupid question"? That is so true especially when it concerns the heart!!
Have you ever been told you might have PVC's, premature ventricular contractions? Have you ever had any reason to suspect that you had any heart trouble? I'm only asking these questions as sometimes when people ask me a question like this it's very difficult to answer not knowing any prior history. I'm not a Dr. so I can't diagnose, but what I can definitely recommend, is to make a Dr.'s appt. and have this addressed by him/or her to be on the safe side!
Read some of what I posted above and read the links as well. It may help to give you some personal insight on this. However, I still would like to hear that you are going to discuss this with your Dr. whether you believe it's normal, or not. :)
Don't ever second guess yourself on these things, as it's always better to be safe than sorry!!
Big Hugs, Teri
Please let me know what happens!!