Alcie said...
Welcome to the forum, Katherine.
Melissuh said it. See a doctor.
That heart rate is too high, as far as I know. But maybe the overweight has something to do with it. I don't know, but we're not doctors on the forum.
Palpitations are different from tachycardia. And tachycardia can be different types and from many different causes. At least your ECG was normal!
It might help your doctor if you keep a journal. Write down everything you do, eat, drink, meds, and heart rate or any other symptoms, along with the date and time.
Best wishes, and keep in touch with your progress.
Hi thanks for the reply! I feel paranoid now since I do not now what's wrong with me. Just this morning I woke up with my left arm aching and suddenly I felt like I needed to take a breath . A huge one. Then boom! I had a short episode of mild shortness of breath. I checked my heart rate and it was 153bpm! I really felt my heart beating super fast. I woke up my mom and I begged her to go to the clinic because I was afraid it is not what I think it is. Causing us to waste money if I go to A&E. But my heart rate went back down to 90-105bpm shortly after. My mom got angry because she lost sleep for a something that is not an emergency. I tried to relax but I still feel heart palpitations until now. It's been almost 1 and half hour after my so called attack.
I've gone for numerous check ups and ECG, x-Ray and even blood test. All normal besides the hunch of the doctor that I might have an inflammation somewhere. But everything is fine he said.
My heart rate reached 130bpm just 30min ago and has gone back to normal again. I'm losing sleep since I can still feel heart palpitTion until now.
I am gonna go ahead and check with the doctor if my symtoms persist . However I am not sure my clinic will have a holter monitor. Is there anything else I could try if there is no holter monitor? I live in singapore and there is this place called polyclinic where you can have a check up for a subsidized fee.