Hi everyone, I'm Julie, 42.5'4 148lbs. Overall very good health. Last Sept. i started having heart palpitations/chest pain so badly i ended up going to the ER. "You're just stressed," they said and sent me home with Ativan. It sure didnt feel like just stress to me. I went to see a Nutritional Respons Testing Practitioner and did a serious internal cleanse to detoxify my body. I felt way better for quite some time. I also discovered in that time that the dental work i had contained nickel which I am hardcore allergic to. That could possibly have weakened my heart as it was in my body for 10+ years. It's been removed. I figured I was good to go.
Now here it is March, and i am having chest pains and high BP and palpitations yet again
Visit cardiologist and EKG is normal.
Going to run stress test and a echocardiogram and monitor me, but it seems like they are just humoring me and in the process charging me a bunch of money I dont really have to spend...
I can't figure out what the heck is wrong if its not my heart. Can anxiety really do this? My life isnt very stressful right now other than this.