Posted 10/27/2017 2:03 AM (GMT 0)
To preface, I'm an anxious person, having had several panic attacks so far in my life, but I doubt it my current troubles are anxiety related.
I'm 27 and morbidly overweight ( 150kg ). Granted I'm relatively tall ( 185cm ) and I'm still young so I don't feel the weight so much, but it's obviously a risk factor, a risk factor I'm trying to combat as of late.
Anyway, on to my question. In 2014 I've had to go to the ER due to a massive panic attack ( it started all of this basically ). Since then I've had following tests:
- at least 10 EKG's
- 2 ECG's ( heart ultrasound )
- worn 24-hour EKG back in 2014
- had blood tests done
- checked my thyroid gland
basically everything came out normal ( doctor said that basing on my test results he'd think that I was an athlete ( with the exception of fatty liver ) ). Yet I'm still having troubles.
My blood pressure fluctuates between 120/80 and 145-90, and my resting heart rate is USUALLY ~70.
The problem occurrs when it isn't, and it's triggered by I don't know what - it can sometimes jump up to 90-100 without any reason whatsoever and stay there for a while. Also a major issue is the fact that my heartbeats sometimes feel "painful". I haven't had a "painful" ( short duration ( 0.5-1 sec ) stabbing pain right in the middle of torso for a long while but in the past 5 days I've had it at least once a day.
Also, ever since I was 15 I remember having episodes where I feel my heart pounding even though it has normal rythm and normal rate of beats per minute - basically feeling my heart beat most of the time.
I've gotten a new blood pressure monitor some time ago and the icon indicating arrythmia ( skipped beats ) showed up a few times ( I've taken at least 50 measurings so far and it's happened at least 5 times ). I should also mention that I've been having slight lightheaded episodes but I can't confirm that those are simply not anxiety induced.
What is my next course of action? Is what I have entirely harmless or should I be worried?