Hi Mageezy,
Thank you for answering me on that question on ephedra. I was just wondering, "IF" the synthetic worked as well and that is why now, it is being limited to 2 to 3 boxes per person here in the U.S., and in some places, you must show I.D. and record your name and address whenever you buy a psuedoepidrine product.
Here they say that "Meth" labs in people's houses or wherever, use Sudafed to make the junk. Horrible situation here with that problem. Destroys people faster than anything else I've seen. I think I saw it on Oprah, how the people decay in just weeks of meth use.
(When posting, I Don't know why this always double spaces when I hit Enter ?)
Anyhow, I have Late-Neuro-Lyme and CFIDS. I had the CFIDS most my life but mild enough to work. It's believed I got that from having the chicken pox and the measles at the same time and high fevers for a month.
The majority of this junk, hit in June of 2002 and fairly rapidly after a severe reaction to an ant bite. I took just a "leave of absence" from work, thinking I'd get better, but I never did.
The heart - PSVT & Ventricular Ectopy.
Severe immuno-deficientcy and some auto-immune.
Flu like symptoms (constant sore throat/glands and inflamatory reaction of cytokines, makes you feel like you have a fever. But diflucan helps that recently till about 3 months after ... then those symptoms come back)
Fibromyalgia & arthralgia
brain inflamation (Pressure and heat in head from that) I wear an ice pack for a hat. Ha.
Organic brain syndrome/encephalopathy
Tremors (not anxiety type but neurological, and not constant.)
severe anxiety, but under control now.
insomnia and nightmares
Brain Fog/Short term memory loss
Orthostatic Intolerance
CNS abnormalities. All sorts. Too many to list. Like dialated inflamed vascular system, and sudden burning hands, etc. etc.
hair loss
Sensory overload.
Light-sound-heat-touch and cold sensitive.
Candida overload. (oral, throat, stomach & ???)
Some MCS.
Mal-absorption. (Food leaves an hour after I eat it.)
That's all I can think of right now, but I think I've got it covered well enough.
I don't like taking meds either . So at present, I'm only on Diflucan, Lopressor, Gabapentin, and Xanax and all at super low dosages.
So whadaya think Doc ? :)
Did you know that CFIDS and Lyme can be Fatal by organ failure but they never write CFIDS or Lyme in as the Cause of Death ... just "organ failure".
I'd like to talk lots more to you. We're on the same "research" page.
I hope you're doing well. What do you have ? I see your symptoms, but what is it ?
And maybe we should move this to the thread of whatever it is you have. I feel bad hogging Hopeso's thread.
Thanks for talking with me.