I haveno problem ith my Dr's all practice at the same hospital just on different floors and yes they do discuss my MRI"S. I have small vessel disease on top of my heart and they explained it more to me when i asked
1.what caused it?
2.How can I prevent it from getting worse?
3.Any foods to avoid?
4.Is it gentic?
They really explained it was gentic since my heart disease is very gentic I am lucky lets see my moms folks and mom dead by 65 my dads sisde by age 60 had my first heart attack in Jan of 1999 on the OR table second one in 2003 NOv adn then in 199 lost my twin brother to a heart attack 3 days before we were to turn 43 and I am fst approching 50.
For the letters that they send please ask the person usally the medical manager to send yuo a copy too.It helps if yuo know the lady's name here I deal withthe referall coordinator for the Dr's and know her name.
You culd also pay to have copies of yur records to.
Now for the small bessel disease of the brain is a different story
I wuold ask
how calicified are the vessels with plaque
can I reverse the plaque in my vessels
What foods should I avoid to help the situation to.
Yes it is hard but we are the patients and have a rigfht to ask questions.
Please bring yur wife or if notmarried yuor girlfriend or someone with yuo to your next Dr's visit and get more answers to yuor questions please it always seems to help with me I go to my husbands dr's visits he goes to mine and we both ask questions butu me more in depth. Best of luick getting answers but please ask the secretary or referral coordinator yuo wuold alsop like a copy of the letter they send to your fmilyDr.
I have a PCP, Cardio, Endo Dr for now lost 4 dr's by trying to improve myhealth but yuo are the patient yuo do have rights and please speak up for them ok.