I read this today and now I can't remember what newsletter I belong to sent it to give them credit, but the study is mentioned in the quotes and parentheses.
"Combo of Fish Oil and Statins Protects Heart
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Many health-conscious individuals take fish oil supplements to reduce their risk of heart disease, while those most vulnerable are known to receive prescript
ions for statin drugs to help lower cholesterol. Which preventative health measure offers the better heart health boost? A new study suggests that both in combination may be better than either alone. According to the study, which was presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association, patients who combine daily fish oil supplementation with their prescript
ion for statins can reduce their risk of suffering adverse heart events by nearly 20%, significantly better than the improvement among patients who took only statins or fish oil alone. The study was conducted by Japanese researchers at Kobe University School of Medicine."
It did not say how much fish oil you should take. Anyone have a clue?
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