I've posted a few times in here before. Just posting again about my appt. this morning with the cardio. She wants to do more tests to determine the size and whereabouts of the shunt she thinks I have.
I have also developed terrible palpitations where my heart is actually skipping a beat every two to three beats. She increased my Metoprolol for that. She also mentioned the possibility of a pulmonary embolisom. My husband came with me and tried to get more information from her and to try and get her to move more quickly but to no avail. She says she doesn't want to go too fast because she doesn't want to miss anything. In the meantime I am miserable and scared. I had the palpitations non-stop for 8 hours the other night and couldn't even sleep they were so bad.
So... I am having another stress treadmill test done with an echocardiogram with bubbles right after it on Nov. 11th. Then I have my return appointment to go over those results on NOv. 21. So, basically I sit for three weeks waiting to find out what is wrong and what we are going to do for it. I am supposed to try and get a sleep study done during this time also.
I guess I will just try to be patient and ride this out. The doc said if I didn't feel well to not go to work but I shouldn't stay home all the time because then I might dwell on it too much. I don't know about any of you but when I have palpitations I tend to dwell on them since they scare me to death.
Well, I will post when I know more.
Take care,
Mary Ann