Posted 12/23/2023 3:08 AM (GMT 0)
Hey Bill, seems like there's not much action here! I was originally in the Prostate Cancer forum, but here I am now...
I also first felt angina while walking uphill. My routine was to go on 1+ mile walks with the dog, typically over 200 foot elevation gain. One some of the steeper sections, I noticed a tightness in my chest. It didn't spread. I slowed my walking pace and it went away. This happened a few times. I described this to my cardiologist. He had me get a cardio CT scan which showed 2 severe blockages, one moderate, and one mild. Followed by an angiogram, for which I was expecting to have a stent or two put in, but the doctor told me that the situation was complicated and I should consider bypass surgery. Which I will have next month. Not looking forward to it, but I guess it beats the alternative.
If any bypass survivors are reading, I'd sure like to hear about your experience!