Well I had my dr appt today, and I must say I feel a bit better. Not sure if I am completely relieved. I had a long appt like an hr long appt. My Blood pressure was up again for like the fifth time when I went to the doctors. So I have to take my blood pressure every week for the next 6wks. Then I have to go back and discuss my bp and possible meds. I also have to get blood work done to check my thyroid and make sure it's not over-active. He said it was a bit larger then normal, but not what he would call swollen either.
He checked all my arteries with a stethoscope and my lungs. Everything was clear and my pulse was strong and and steady. He said that I should go to a counselor to discuss taking a SSRI whatever that is. He said the most famous was Prozac. He did not hear the skipped beat that I have been having but the nurse felt it when she was doing the pulse. He did hear a heart murmur, and said that it was benign. He said it could possibly be something called MVP's Mitrial Valve Prolapse. He told me the only way to know for sure was to have a EchoCardioGram. He said that skipped beat was being caused by the Murmur and that it was nothing to worry about. My heart was in good healthy condition and there was nothing to suggest a underlying condition.
He told me that I needed to decide whether or not I wanted to go to have the ECG done or not. He said I would either have the ECG and know for sure whether or not I need to take Penicillin before every dental exam or just take the Penicillin anyway and not get the ECG. So I have to go back in six wks with my BP results and get bloodwork to check the thyroid, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Supposed to cut back on caffiene, nicotine, and any stimulants. I am not supposed to decongestants anymore. He told me to take Benedryl, Claritin, or Clarinex for any congestion I might have.
Alright well there is your full update on my appt. I think the funniest thing he said today which made me think of some of the things you all said. He said there are 3 things that are sure in life. Death, Taxes, and these things never happen when the doctors are listening. The nurse felt it but he never did. It happened like six times when I was in his office, but always when he was done. He did hear the murmur and the nurse felt it. So his diagnosis was Palpitations, Heart murmur, and Anxiety. He said he knew it was hard to do but the best thing was to just ignore the skipped beat. He said he had the same murmur and the same skipped beat and he knew how hard it was to ignore it but that was the best option.
Ok well I would appreciate any input on what you all think.