Well I saw the cardiologist and heres the scoop. He says it was a "failed bypass" which is why the abnormal stress test. I asked him if this means that I will need another bypass surgery and he said he would be very reluctant to recommend that as if it failed the first time, it will most likely fail the second time.
He believes the failure is due to a mechanical thing. That the options now are to do a heart cath, "baloon it to see if we can pop it open", or treat me with medication and gave me a bag of torprol and plavix. I am probably not going to take them.
I asked again if he thinks I'm under any imminent danger and he said no, but he wouldn't recommend I go "chop any piles of wood".
I am going to call Cleveland Clinic and get another opinion. But I am defniitely not going to let this consume our lives again. I am angry and afraid today but not to the extent I was yesterday. darnit this.
They pitched me that this bypass surgery is "the gold standard" and that this mammary to lad should last the rest of my life. That was the pitch. Now, 14 months later because "I" asked to be checked out, the new pitch is that it's a failed bypass, and maybe I need a stent or medication when in fact I went in there feeling just fine. No symptoms. Before the bypass I had symptoms. Now I don't.
I think I'll just play it by ear but I HAVE spoken with the people in Thailand and they DO think the stem cell will benefit my PVD. I'm not in need of straightening that out at this moment but when I am in that position my Wife and I will hop a flight I think. Far as the heart, I've had about as much of this as I'm going to stand. Maybe I'll feel differently next week but right now we're making plans to go look at real estate in Fayetteville Georgia. Anybody familiar?