Hi Guys,
I have the forum today, it seems there is an excellent interaction between the members.
Getting to the topic, I am actually looking for advises, your thoughts and comments on what i have been through / going thru. This will be a bit lenghty but I cannot help it.
Sometime in March 06 - around 6.30 am I woke up after 4 hours of sleep for and then had a cup of tea and being smoker I go the craving for a cigarette, I had one cigarette. Within minutes I felt some pressue in the chest (no shortness of breath, no radiation to any part, no sweat) waited for 15 mins - no relief, lied down (with anxiety) no relief, went to the hospital got an ECG done - normal - high bp 140/90 - tests suggested: lipid profile / Fasting sugar / CBC / Chest Xray - All reports came out normal - the pain never returned.
In May 06-constipated for 4 days, retrned frm work (return journey is exhaustive with railway bridges and my house being uphill - no pain felt) After dinner similar pain, uneasy, passed stool (little relief), rested without relief, slept with anxiety and pain continuing for more than 30 mins. again no sweat, no shortness of breath, no radiation of pain on any other part of the body - this reoccured a little mildly after breakfast and . . .
visited the cardiologist the next night - ECG Normal - described how things happned and immediate diagonosis - ANGINA - all related medicines whihc can possibly be given to a severe CAD patient were prescribed along with with Low Molecular weight Heparin injections twice a day - I was completely zapped and started feeling like a serious patient. After 3 days came the news, "please prepare for an ANGIOGRAPHY"
I said NO - visited 2 homeos both suggested "Wait and watch" we think this is nothing more than Gas / Acid reflux.
I was suggested to go thru 2D echo and Stress test which i did and results for both were Normal.
It was then concluded that the pain i have is nothing more than Gas / Acid reflux.
The Pain has been there and occurs anytime sitting standing or at rest, very mild pain behind the breastbone / nipple-line and will sometimes be felt in shoulder blades or biceps.
The Pain DOESNOT always come with Stress or Physical exertion like stable angina should NOR does it have a pattern not will it cause shortness of breath or cold Sweat etc. I climb stairs and railway station bridges like before and those exertions dont induce any pain. Also the pain / feeling is not similar everytime.
Some times i feel tightness / Lump in my throat while exerting, somtimes it will only be in the left area of my chest and will last for hours in mild intensity
Most importantly I keep thinking about like the worse is about to happen to me as soon as I start feeling any mild pain or discomfort anywhere, pain in my biceps will last as long as a full day
I have been on Antibiotics from the last 4 days cuz I have extracted a tooth and I dont feel very comfortable
The above episode has got my anxiety levels very very high with fear to translate any chest pain as Angina. I am unable to relax and always under fear of having a heart disease.
I consulted other Physicians and they told me "your stress test is you baseline and since it is normal you dont have to worry about anything now" even the cardiologist who did my stress test was surprised that the cardiologist i consulted earlier wanted me to go thru an Angio without any other reports, he seemed very confident that nothing is wrong but advised care etc. to avoid future problems.
My questions
1) Can this be Angina / CAD of any sorts?
2) Do I need any more tests like a 64 Slice scan or something.
3) DOes this sound like GERD/ACID Reflux
Will be very grateful for your advises / suggestions
age: 34
wieght was: 104 KG
weight now: 96 KG
bp: 140 / 90
daily cigarettes was: 12-15
daily cigarettes is: 3-5
Test Results
Hemaglobin: 16.3
TC: 9400
Cholestrol: 170
TG: 93
HDL: 56
LDL: 95
FBS: 103
PP: 115
Creat: 1.1
Stress Test: Normal - No stress induced Arrythma
2D Echo: Normal