Well John,
I`ve been looking how diabetes as such is not just insulin; be that insulin resistance as in type 2 or deficient as in type1..
You know how the experts keep trying to tell us we are eating the wrong food for heart disease and diabetes.. The truth its genetics, not much to do with the food or I think the excercise.. Our genetics could have been altered by pollution our dear government have allowed industry to do with our food and air.. Along with armed forces..
Putting that aside what can we do to help ourselves?
I had a 24 hour urine sample test about 10 years ago for mixed cortisol. It show I had a high normal total cortisol.. I have a copy of the report and went through it with a fine tooth comb. Hange on a moment I said to the doctors looking at me, there are various cortisol/seriods missing on this report. They seemed out of their depth and really found it hard to admit. I was ignored by our NHS Endocrinologists whom I saw several+ others outside the health service.
I had two of these 24 hour samples done, but even the hospital lab staff said they thought things did not look right.. But it was up to the consultants..
To bring it up to date the main componets I found missing where 11 Hydroxe cortisol.. This links to a number of condition inculding congenitial adrenal hyproplasia.. But the endocrineologist refused to believe it could be.. The treatment was is seriods.. Much of these conditions that`s all there is.
But yesterday I reached infomation over load; 11 OH group deficiency are linked to diabetes and weight gain and also glucose-6-phospate deficiency (which is linked to way we deal with fats). http://content.febsjournal.org/cgi/content/full/268/15/4113
Taking it a stage further I also looked at digestive emyzins not only of the stomac but the pancress which makes a number of hormons, problems over the whole system.. Insulin ristance is not only caused by the interaction of adrenalin and insulin, but other hormones/emyzine produced by the gut not working correctly amylase being one is supposed to break down sugars.It also deals with how the immune system protects us from infection and allergic reactions. But if there`s a defect the whole can be put out of place..
Digestive emyzine need to be added or stiumulated to correct apparent problems in the hormone system.. http://www.enzymessential.com/HTML/amylase.html
DHEA levels likewise are all linked..
The lab should be looking at the antigen levels which give a much more accurate byass towards deficientcy.. While the chemical is byass toward normal to excess.. There`s a great deal of confusion, these tests date back to the 1950`s.. Yet the medicis are trapped, they don`t want to or seem to know how to interpet the results..
Doctors were supposed to be intuative in their dealings with patients.. But they seem to have lost this skill.
They order tests and expect those tests to reflexct the condition totally, assume that or kidd you that those tests are 100%.. Where as they should be relying on symptoms and signs. A few blood testing sites warn of this fact.. Some say they should not rely on the blood test, rather than the symptoms and signs, incase someone sues them.. So they would rather not treat you at all.
Its also quicker here in the UK to concentrate on blood, when the avarage consultation is about 8 mins.. How can you obseve your patient in that time? It has to be several 8 min. over weeks or months... One doctor said to me, most conditions get better on their own. They probably do however if your the one with the condition that does not?
Good Luck