Before i had my pro i was having a lot of headaches and it did effect my vision.I would get really sparkles and light would makemy eyes hurt more.I also had blurr vision mostely in my left eye.
I like you had a mri and echo and it was all normal,I also had a lot of pvc so the dr had me to what is called a bubble study and that's where is showed i had a small hole in my heart and he said i should have the pfo inplant. I had it done last june and the headaches while i get them now and then are not nearly as bad.I aslo have deng disc disease so i have problem with my neck and shoulder and back so i think a lot of my problems are from that now.
I was put on plavix for 6 months after the pfo and now i just take a 81mg of asprin every day and i go for an echo every 6 months to check my heart.
I hope this helps some and if you have any question please feel free to ask and i will do the best i can.I usually post in the chronic pain forum but i check here .
I wish you all the best and i will keep you in my thoughts and prayer;s