Dear friends here at HW--
It's me "Robert" again---if i'm not having problems w various irregular heart beats--it's IBS....or whatever. IBS, i can take (an Immodium or Librax)--it's this darn...heart arrythmias that are driving me..nuts!
Quick review--been seeing a cardio for 20 yrs--have had EVERY test (echo- stress echo--stress EKG isotopes---AND about 7 "event monitor" studies)---everything "normal"...except these darn "irregular heartbeats"----dx---SVT-----
-------NOW---I THINK or "feel" a new one is starting! I'm HOPING this one is in my head! (At least if it's there--it won't kill me!
Had my first "Strange 'NEW' feeling" w heart....about 2 months ago---went to bed.......(i ALWAYS lay on my stomach)---& suddenly.....before going off to sleep---was it seemed my heart...was NOT speeding up--but--had this strange feeling....IT WAS STOPPING!
I move to another position---again it happens.....after 3 or 4 "feelings" like this...i finally go off to sleep--& i'm ok for the nite!
Today----needed a nap---took my small valium dose---& laid in bed-----sports talk radio on---tired....felt myself going "off"...when..."IT" hit me ...AGAIN my heart was stopping....OH...gosh---AGAIN! It happened ...once or twice more--before i went off to a lite nap----
What is so "strange" about it---is...inlike my SVT...where I can feel the more like a "sensation"...UNLESS some NEW arrythmia is taking place--i am NOT aware of----
My dear friends at HW--you've ALWAYS been a great source of support & help for me---has...ANYONE....anyone here....experienced ANYTHING even like this? IF so, WHAT could it be? Could it be ...just stress or anxiety? Or---the heart itself?
ANY & ALL responses will help---please--get have NO IDEA how this helps ! Thanks---Robert