Hi everyone---Robert here- Just returned from Beverly Hills (Where i was from Nov- 30- till past Tues (march 18)-----I'm a writer & keep a small one room.."studio" there--
Anyway---on Dec 17--I was having a 'bad day' w a few irregular heart beat events. There is a "electro-physiology Cardiologist i see out there at Cedar Sinai---(one of best in country)---made appt--to see him--Dec- 19th---I asked for a "King of Hearts" event monitor--to be put on--so--i could "catch" the little "buggrs"...& he coold see them....& give me feedback! (I had seen him & had a study done 8 yrs earlier)
OK--i get the "event monitor"...on--Dec 19th,...........& guess what.....during the one full month it's on---nothing "big"...! Oh-- a few "extra beats"....here & there--but NONE of those..long or scary feeling events!
After the one month was up-----I asked to have another 30 days--OK. Again...nothing---(aside from a few 1 or 2 premsure beats...PACs)------I am both frustrated....& pleased----now--as the SECOND month comes to an end....Still nothing "scary"..I call my medical carrier...& ask for approval for one more month--they say--as long as Dr. says i need it--no problem!
During the THIRD month-----(in March...)--i finally got...a "run"...it was a "8 beat run of SVT"...at 145 BPM.--lasted maybe 5 or 6 seconds..at longest!......The nurse said she would show Dr----which they always do-----and...called back--saying--to do my normal activities----nothing serious! --NOW--i'm starting to wonder--IS there someting about me being in California? The mild...climate--? Maybe JUST the feeling of "reassurance" of having the monitor-on? One of the assistants said..this is not uncommon...people getting the monitor--on....& not having many events!
When i saw Cardiologist--day before i left--looked at my "events"..& my med report sent by Cardio in Philly--& said."You're in good shape". THAT was it! I asked..."Dr....usualy I dont hve such a prolonged period with very few events! His comment.."Maybe California agrees with you!"...He could be right!
ANYWAY---got back to Philly--a few days ago( I'm GONNA retire to Calif...soon.....I've decided that--as soon as wife retires)----AND...LAST nite--(Wed-March 19)---I get a "SCARY"...5 beat run! I think--"oh...here we go again!".........
What's your thinking on this? Can anyone relate to what i went thru ? ( a relatively "event free" time WITH monitor..on!--Get back..AND--one MORE thing--to all my HW friends--check out my post--in IBS........I'm getting these darn....esophaeal spasms...(along w my irritable bowel)----wonder if they (IBS..& Esophageal Spasm)----RELATED! All the best--& I DO hope to hear from....at least SME of you...on both forums--luv--Robert