Good Morning Mattuk,
I"m sorry that your doc is making you wait it out, it is a lonnnnnng wait when you are worried about your health. I dont know a thing about Gerd, but know several people who suffer from it. Although you are very young, you can still suffer from anxiety. There are so many people who haved rushed to the ER thinking they are having a heart attack, to eventually learn it is anxiety. I am sure after 10 days, and you still have chest pains, your doc will probably do more extensive tests to see what is causing these pains.
I have 2 sons that thought they were having heart attacks, and it turned out to be anxiety, they are both in their 20's.
The thing is, they didnt have on going discomfort, it was more like sudden episodes.
I hope you get some answers very soon hon, you are much too young to be worrying about health problems.
Just curious to know if anyone in your family ever suffered from anxiety or depression.
Backpacking across Australia eh? I am so envious that you got to do something sooooo exciting!!!!!
Where are you from? I am in canada.
Please keep us updated on everything, I am very motherly and will be thinking of you till you do
Take good care,