Hi there - I am just wondering about
any info on a brief, intense period of very strong, pounding heartbeat in the center of my chect. It has happened a handful of times over the last 20 years or so - no pain associated with it and if I held my breath it would immediatley slow down and resume a normal rythm. Now over the last 4 months it has happened 3-4 times - once it lasted about
7 minutes and I couldn't make it stop. Since that really terrifying experience, when it starts I immediately bend over and I have been able to get it under control after only a few seconds. Unfortunaltey, I am now so afraid of it happening again I have become very anxious!
Before this started, I did see my MD about anxiety (2/08) and had an EKG, 24 hour holter monitor and chest xray. Everything was fine and I felt much better. Then out of the blue, I had an episode and whereas it never made me anxious before - it has triggered a good deal of anxiety now.
Is this anything you may have input on. Should I see my doctor again? I have done some online research and know that often times these things are harmless - but still scary. I do think that since I have had them over so many years (although very infrequently) they are probably nothing to worry about. I also think my anxiety has now only served to trigger them...
Any input in so very much appreciated! Thanks!