Hello my dear friends at HW-
Well-MANY of you here--know the story...."If it ain't one thing-it's another!" Right?
I get my "all clear" from my 'metacholine challenge"...clearing me from asthma-my cough is better- & now--my darn (excuse me..dear 'heart')-- my "Darn heart"...is "acting up"...again-! Lottsa irregular beats--today---Sunday.....had about 3 runs of "short SVT"...(like 4 or 5 beats....as my cardilogist calls it..."minor stuff"- Certainly....quoting him..."NOT worthy of even considering ablation!"---But..it's upsetting me!
What gets me is...the cardiologists...themselves...do NOT know...why...it happens...when it does! My Dr. says..."the cells just fire off"...! It comes in cycles---
ALL i take...is a small once/day dose of Tenormin.,...25mg...(Dr. DID say....IF I'm having a bad day--I could break a small tab...in half...(12.5 mg)----& take that later in the day-!)
Any of you out there have these darn...'cycles"? I could go.,.,...WEEKS...with ..nothing...! Then.....a very bad week.....where my heart is.."irritable"...as all heck-! Get back--"Misery loves company"...& right now....this is making me..."Psychologically Miserable"-! Thanks--hoping to hear-! Robert