My mom is now 83. She is very healthy and lives alone, does her own driving and shopping. Last week she was shopping and was going to call me when she got back. I was surprised to hear from her about an hour later. She said she got so tired she had to come home. This was not my mom. I sugessted she call her dr. and tell them what happened. I took her to the dr. and he found a heart murmur. This was a new thing. He had her take blood tests, and also a ekg. and echo cardiagram. The blood tests were all perfect except the one showed possible heart failure. about 100 was the range and hers was only 108. The echo showed she has three, leaking valves in her heart. She will be seeing a cardiologist but, not for two weeks. She is havein no chest pain, just fatigue and tiredness, and more frequent urination. I have looked this up online and seen that it can be fixed. Her dr. told her to just not do alot of strinuous stuff and rest when she needed to. She has been doing that but, with my mom its hard to keep her down. I have questions and worried until she sees the me if you can please!!
1). Is it dangerous to wait that long to see a specialist?
2). Since she has three leaking valves, not just one, shouldn't they be more concerned?
3). Do you think because of her age they may be just not in a big hurry?
This is my mom and my life right now..My dad died Nov, 2008 and my son April 2009, I am real scared about this.. thankx for your support!