I am so sorry to read of your baby's VSD and I am sure you are worried. In cases of VSD in which a child fails to gain weight, extra nutrition may be needed. This consists of high-calorie formulas, breast milk supplements, and tube-feedings.
More than half of VSDs will close on their own. So if there are no signs of heart failure, your doctor may recommend periodic check-ups to see if the defect closes on its own.
Babies with a large VSD who have symptoms related to heart failure may need medicine to control the symptoms and surgery to close the hole. Medications may include digitalis (digoxin) and diuretics. I believe it depends on your baby's sx, failure to thrive and how well he does when it comes to choosing medications for him.
You have 2 different opinions, perhaps a third would help you to decided which Dr. you choose to go with as far as recommendations.
Blessings to you.