To be on the safe side, I would contact your Dr.
The classic symptom is a crushing left sided or mid-sternal chest pain which may be triggered or exacerbated by exertion, but it may also occur at rest. The pain may be localized or it may radiate to the left arm, elbow, the back, the jaw or ear lobes.
However, the symptoms may be more atypical and present as shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, or just isolated arm, jaw, or back pain. There may also be anxiety, nervousness or feeling of impending doom.
A first chest pain should never be ignored. In general if a chest pain is aggravated by a change in body position such as twisting or turning or by pushing on it then it may indicate a muscular source for the pain.
There are some heart attacks that go entirely unnoticed.
Undiagnosed, or "silent," heart attacks affect nearly 200,000 people in the United States annually. As many as 40 to 60 percent of all heart attacks are unrecognized, studies show.
Big breath and call your Dr. for further instructions.