I've had these PVC's on and off for many years but I'm noticing as I get older (63) that they make me feel very short of breath and only if I concentrate on deep in-and-out breathing does my breathing go back to normal. I've been reading alot about
natural therapies for a-fib and PAC's (pretty much the same thing I guess) that Yoga, certain breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques help and the breathing one certainly does for me....but it still comes back again.
Also, I've been on Troprol for blood pressure for many years but even though it was originally prescribed to help PAC's, the latest opinion is that they can actually cause or worsen them! So now I'm concerned about continuing that med and might try to find something else.
The more I read, the more I find that with all the side effects of meds, natural remedies might be a better route to follow.