I've had tachycardia events for quite a few years. I got them under control for a long time by avoiding sulfites, which is still a trigger for me. Now they are increasing in frequency, 3-4 a day that are annoying, at least one I need to take an atenolol plus my usual Valsalva maneuvers to get stopped. My doc has just put me on a tiny dose of atenolol daily, since I don't tolerate even 25 mg for long. It seems to be helping for now.
My question is has anyone had experience with a-fib starting this way?
I've had GI tract irritation cause some events that sent me to the ER, so there could be something being missed there too. I have a Nissen fundoplication that is partly unwrapped and some of it is again above the diaphragm, but docs don't want to do anything about it.