I first had a pericardial effusion , 15 yrs ago,due to a tooth infection not being treated with anti biotics. Since then had recurrent episodes which eventualy tailered off after 5 years. Whenever I suspected pericarditis the doctor advised me to take aspirin immediately for 2 weeks and this usualy worked for me. However it returned 5 years ago, no tests were required the gp took my word for it and was treated with diclophenic for 4 weeks. Had since returned to England so no records of my previous history.
Had a another episode which started in September 2011, the gp(general practitioner) prescribed diclophenic , then ibuprofen , but in small doses only, symptoms persisted and got worse, started naproxen whicn worked better and asked to be refferred to cardiologist as I felt I needed higher doses of NSAIDs to get better and have since heard of colcochine . Had blood tests done at this time oct 2011 which came back negative, but was having very bad palpitations 150 beats per min. SOB & all the other symptoms.
Eventually got to see the cardiologist in December (this is England)by which time i was feeling much better, my echo came back negative, no effusion, although I personally believe I had one earlier on, no rub was heard, or has ever been heard even when I had a large effusion the first time. The doctor didnt believe I could have pericarditis for 3 to 4 months, stopped my NSAIDs , requsted a chest xray and 24hr heart monitor as having arythmia ( due next week) . Within 3 days of stopping the NSAIDS I had bad chest pains, exhaustion and fever, restarted myself 1 week later.Gradualy improving but very upset at the set back.
I am amazed and frustrated at the doctors reluntancy to believe I have this illness . My concern is that I now have chronic peri carditis and as the cardiologist doesnt believe me I will not be treated with the correct medication when and if it re occurrs.I do not have a private insurance either but have considered having an MRI done privately.However after reading Anodyne13's last post , would I be correct in saying that the pericarditis did not show on the MRI scan despite there being lots of scarring tissue?